I'm one busy little bee! My hive is empty and there's work to be done, and since I'm the Queen Bee, that means I better get to work. Yes indeed, that's right, a Queen bees work is never done!
With the May Day celebration approaching, and new spring creations in the works, and inventory running low, I have been more a busy working bee, and not so much a Queen.
The May Day invitations are on there way, and the May Day baskets, well, let's just say, I've only just began making those, and the new stuff that's been floating around, still floating.
The strawberry sachets are a huge hit at Bittersweet, so I'm making a large patch of those, and couture cartons, all gone, sold out, making more, I love those little sewing kits! The Chicky clip boards, all gone!
I'll be taking a blogation.
Not sure how long I'll be gone.
I'll be back, once I get everything caught up.
Enjoy caring and sharing Spring days.
Jill 00 (Two hugs are better than one)