I've captured some summer shots while the apothecary shoppe gleamed with overcast shadows. I believe they should bring these little shirt collars back. This one is precious and available at the hand made shop. A while back I planted some herbs and flowers in old tin buckets. They are taking off! I'm a crazy fastidious soil girl. Meaning, I do not like the oodles of soils available on the market. You know, the ones already formulated with built in fertilizer and water control, etc. I used a basic organic soil and I believe my plants and flowers are flourishing because of it. Have you seen that commercial with the huge pile of dirt and the two guys standing next to it. One guy asks, "what do you do if it gets wet?" That's the soil I used! You must give it a planting try.
Someone shared this video on my facebook page the other day. I'm amazed!
I walked down to the farmers market on Saturday and picked up some herbs. I thought I'd picked up a mint plant, but when I got back to the shop porch and placed the plant down on the floor Dreamer the shop cat attacked the plant. Yes, you guessed it, catnip! Jules and I were entertained for a good length of time by his attraction to that plant. I'm not quite sure what to do with the plant now. If I plant it, Dreamer will just dig it up. Years ago I planted catnip in my rock garden and my cat dug up the entire plant, root and all! That must be a powerful scented plant.
Seriously, I can't believe it's June 1! The summer has officially kicked in. The shop has been slow the past couple of weeks since school let out. Retail is so very wishy washy and unpredictable, (just say'in). It can go from one extreme to the next in a matter of minutes. Kind of like our Missouri weather! I'm taking advantage of the slowness at the shop to work with the busyness's of the web shoppe and manufacturing. Soap making is in full summer swing and in fact this is my busiest time of the year as I will soon be making holiday soaps! I know, yes I know, it seems really wrong to even mention that word. Sorry, that's the way we roll around here.
A couple speaking engagements coming up and I want to include some sample products to give to the audience. I'm pondering thoughts...
A Art Festival arriving this Friday & Saturday. They will be singing in the streets and decorating the downtown with beautiful art and artisan crafted goods. The apothecary shoppe will set up camp in front of our shop and offer a smorgasbord of Bittersweet. I really would like to head to the back country to pick some brown eye Susan's and whatever those pretty purple flowers blooming to make small bouquets. Wild flowers, courtesy of nature, free for the taking. One of my favorite things!
I have a variety of soaps that I'm displaying in cardboard bins that I used to use for traveling soap. If you frequent this blog, you may recall the story behind the "traveling soap." Anyway, the bins are a perfect display for outdoor shows. I don't have a long table, in which I need to properly display the soap, so I asked Lennis if I could borrow a couple of his saw horses. I have an old door I'll level the door on top of the horses to re-purpose into a soap table. I'll share some pics of that later when I get it set up.
A new line of candles and modern vintage paper products will be available summer style. Bug Spray is back! I've just completed a new label design that turned out great. Love it when that happens!
Enjoy caring and sharing days.
With all good wishes,
Jill 00