It's peach season at our local farmers market! I'd heard from a couple of farmers that the extreme cold we had in early spring destroyed the buds and there weren't very many peaches this year. The ones that I picked up weren't quite ripe but I sat them on the kitchen table for a couple of days and they ripened up and got juicy and sweet. Lately, I'm all about preparing foods that are simple and fast. When the Midwest humidity and heat settle in like it does this time of year, I'm into easy food preparation. A drizzle of fresh honey on those peaches almost leads me to believe that those thoughts hold true.
Our retail shop is anticipating the arrival of autumn! The season is so very short at the shop as we dive straight into the holiday season. In fact, July marks the time when fall and winter soap manufacturing starts. Being a few months ahead allows one to appreciate the seasons even more. Our outsourcing, which we offer very little, has been chosen and ordered. We'll start sprinkling it in. Sprinkle away!
This is the first year that I've had raised bed gardens and I'm in awe over the start-to-finish growth of each and every vegetable. This morning I walked down to check on the progress of cucumbers and I noticed some new growth. It took me a while to know what the small round fuzzy things were and then I remembered how I tossed some bottleneck gourd seeds down. We're going to have a bounty of them! It's kind of cool to know that one tiny seed has transformed into a touch-and-feel hanging gourd since there are so many we'll offer them at our shop. I'm pondering next season's planting, and I'm thinking that loofah gourds would be cool to grow too. I'd use them in our handmade soaps. Little things.
Some of the last of the summer soaps are on the shop shelves. Pineapple Mango and Summer Breeze shine bright this time of year.
I want to mention how sad it made me to witness the recent assassination attempt and the brutal killing of innocent bystanders. To think these folks attended a rally to support their candidate and did not return home to their family breaks my heart. I'm also questioning just how it could even happen. The division created by the media and social platforms has ugly written all over it. In light of the horrific tragedy, I no longer have tolerance for hate and slander directed at our presidential candidates. When I was growing up we never witnessed this type of thing. The parties were always separated in their views, but there was unity knowing that regardless of their political views they treated each other with respect. I blame the media for this. There needs to be an overhaul on how they report the news and go back to being unbiased and kind. Stepping down. We are each responsible for our actions.
I can't help but think that my great-grandmother Lucy would love using our back-to-basics line. Her handmade soap was put to use in a variety of duties. When she made soap the intention was to produce a multi-function essential. She was the Queen of Zero Waste! Going back.
There was never a time when a scarf wasn't appealing. We've carried scarves of all shapes and sizes for many years. I love the way a scarf transforms an outfit, and it brings style to your wardrobe. Our fall collection of scarves is starting to arrive and we love the textures and designs.
My editor contacted me on Monday letting me know that my book was sent to the publisher. Anytime you have a book published there's a sense of Christmas morning attached to it! I had no idea these emotions were wrapped in the book, but they are. It's a cool feeling and one that does not compare to other life feelings. It stands on its own! Experiencing these new feelings adds to the process. New things.